Simply Healthy Protein Smoothie!

I need something very filling, easy to make and eat in the rush morning hour.    This is one of my favorite breakfast for its ingredients, health value and taste!  Taste matters when it ocmes to adapting something on a day to day basis,  You would'nt deny if its healthy as well as tasty.  This smoothie is so versatile that the taste and look can be changed without much complexity.

Soaking nuts increases the absorption of the nutrients by your body,   Sweetness is from natural dried fruits rather than adding processed sugar.   It keeps you soo full till lunch time with its wholesome protein. 

What you need?

Soaked nuts (cashews/almonds/walnuts..) - 1 cup 
Soaked dry fruits(Figs/Dates) - 1/2 cup
Fruits (strawberry/apple/banana/orange/avocado) - 1 cup
Milk - 1 cup (optional)
flavaring cinnamon/cardomom powder - 1/8tsp (optional)
cacao - 1 Tbsp (optional)

How to make?

Soak nuts and dry fruits for atleast 6 hrs
Blend nuts and dry fruits to a smooth consistency.  Check dry fruits for any seeds before blending
You can use soaked water or milk to help in blending.
Now add whatever fresh fruits you are using to blend it to a thick smoothie consistency

Serve this with granola or crackers.  We love it with our homemade granola.


* You can use avocado and cocao to make it like a thick chocolate mousse
* Dont use milk if you are using citrus fruits



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