Sprouts Salad (Vegeterian Vit B12)

Vit B12 is needed to manage critical nerve functioning and there are a very few vegeterian sources.  I have been searching for  some real food sources since I don't believe in taking supplements.   My yoga teacher Vasanthi Bhatt shared with us some sources of Vit B12 which can be easily found.
  • Carrots/Beets with the greens 
  • Sprouted Beans especially brown chickpeas and Moong
  • Broccoli/Alfa-alfa sprouts 
What you need?

Sprouted Moong/Chickpeas - 1 cup
Tomato/Cucumber 1
Lemon Juice - 1 Tbsp
Organic apple - 1
Dried Cranberries/Raisins - 1/4 cup
Salt and Pepper to taste
Shredded Carrot - 1 (optional)
Coriander greens for dressing

How to make?
  • Chop tomato/cucumber, apple and shred carrots
  • Toss everything in a bowl and mix gently.   

It's simple yet a powerhouse of nutrients.   Have a cup of this along with your meal.  


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