Whole grain - Buckwheat Waffle

Using alternate grains gets you different nutrients, Buckwheat is gluten free and its not even a wheat. but a seed with great heart health and fiber content with lot of other benefits.   Buckwheat has an earthy flavor so expect a little difference but its a taste to adapt for the wellness of the health it brings!   

Simple rule of thumb is to get a variety of grains/seeds in your pantry

I used zuchinni since we have been growing that in our garden and it adds a great texture to it.  You could replace it with buttermilk

What you need?

Buckwheat 2 cups
Baking powder. 2 tsp
Baking soda 1/2 tsp
salt 1/4 tsp
Sugar 2 tsp
grated zucchini 2 cups
whey/buttermilk/water - 6 Tbsp
melted coconut oil - 2 Tbsp
walnut pieces- 1/2 cup

How to make?

Mix buckwheat flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and baking soda

Now add grated zuchinni, buttermilk, coconut oil and fold with the flour gently, The mixture will be sticky.  Finally add the chopped walnuts

Let it rest for 10 mins

Heat the waffle grid and make the great crispy waffles!   Serve with Maple syrup



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